DIY Face Mask for Everyone – $1000 to Prove Me Wrong

March 19, 2020

Wearing a DIY face mask is an underutilized solution in the USA. It should be implemented ASAP in accordance with the following recommendations. 

Basic concept:
Detailed explanation:

IF YOU ARE SICK: Wear a face mask at home when moving around, near a caretaker, when going out in public or in a hospital.

IF YOU ARE NOT SICK: Wear a face mask whenever you go out in public, to a hospital or if you are caring for someone who is sick.

IF YOU ARE A HEALTH CARE WORKER OR CARETAKER FOR SICK: Wear a face mask whenever you go out in public, to a hospital or if you are caring for someone who is sick. Consider following recommendations for Sick (as above), due to possibility of infection and spreading infection before you have symptoms.

HOME MADE OR DO-IT-YOURSELF (DIY)** MASKS: May substantially reduce the spread of Coronavirus.

RESERVE PROFESSIONAL MASKS FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS: Since they need them for surgery, procedures and caring for many sick patients.

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